Why be a Chamber Member?
The Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization representing area businesses. Our mission is to promote business success which supports a thriving community.
We serve the business community of the Rochester area through four areas of strategic focus: business advocacy, information and resources, workforce and professional development, and networking and engagement.
Join the Chamber
Ready to Become a Member?
To apply, fill out our online member application or contact Tim Shea.
Chamber Member Benefits Include
Your Membership Provides Access & Supports Chamber Initiatives

Business Advocacy
We serve as the voice for Rochester area businesses through advocacy, information, and education.

Business Information & Resources
We communicate the impact of policy, industry trends, and more to equip the regional business community with insight and resources that can support their success.

Workforce & Professional Development
We encourage workforce development through partnerships, resources, and professional experiences.

Networking & Engagement
We create opportunities for members to engage with other businesses, increase brand awareness, and develop and connect their teams with fellow talent from throughout the Rochester area.
New Member Perks
As a new member, you will receive a digital billboard display featuring your company logo for several days, a ribbon-cutting ceremony with a post on the Chamber's social media pages, and a spotlight in both our Weekly Update and Advantage Magazine. Plus, you’ll get a one-time $300 ad credit for the Advantage Magazine.
You will also enjoy recurring listings in our online Business Directory and Community Guide, along with access to the Chamber's Career Connect job board, and more!